Monday, June 16, 2014

Melaka ❤ Journey

Melaka! It's one of the famous tourist attraction in Melaka! :)
After the competition, it's time to have a break! HOLIDAY! So yes, I travelled to Melaka with him for a daytrip <3 We do not have any special plans on this trip, just a random trip. Spent half day walking at the jonker street, taking photos everywhere.  In the morning when we reach there, it's still raining, but luckily the weather turns better in the noon. We sweated alot due to the hot weather in Malaysia at this season.

Melaka River! 

Selfie <3
I love the wall art so much! Great photo right :p


We had curry laksa for our lunch! Hardly found a place for us in that restaurants because the sit's provided are limited and too many customers. This restaurant is not air-conditioned so it's quite hot while having this spicy noodle :p But dont care, must sacrifice for tasty food. 

Curry Laksa!
The most famous thing in Jonker 88 is not the curry laksa but the cendol, some kind like ice blended with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of it.We did not try that because of the long queue, need to wait at least for half an hour. Thus, we decided to have DURIAN CENDOL in 三叔公 (San Shu Gong). It's just located at the corner, near the melaka river.

三叔公-Durian Cendol

Thus, we decided to have DURIAN CENDOL in 三叔公 (San Shu Gong). It's just located at the corner, near the melaka river. Finally this place is air-conditioning and not so crowded as jonker 88 because it has 2 floors. 

Before having the cold cold durian cendol, let us take a selfie first!


It's a great place for you to chill out. Great environment but of course the price of the food is not as cheap as those food stalls beside the street. I had a coffee and he had a mocktail there :)

The outside view of the Geographer cafe during the day and night.

The orang utan wall art, this shop is actually selling t-shirt :)

This photo is taken at the orang utan wall art, look at the left bottom corner in the photo above.


Another cute wall art that I love :)

Bracelet 1 for rm6 and 2 for rm10.

I falL in love with the bracelet shop, it's quite cheap compare to KL! I'm totally crazy with it! Bought some too :) :D

At night after having our dinner and we are so exhausted but he still have to drive all the way back to KL. We chat with each other along the journey back to KL so that can make him stay awake all the time :P The day is well spent :D In short, it's a very memorable trip! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sukma XVII Perlis (Wushu)



 Sukam 奖牌 和Mascot.

 比赛完毕到perlis走走,我们去了葡萄园,山洞还有padang besar.

闭幕晚,我们都玩得很疯 XD

当然少不了Selfie 啦!
